Labour behinf in all seven Maori seats

Helen Bain’s first article for the SST is to report on a a Marae-DigiPoll survey which indicates her former boss, John Tamihere, and his colleages may be toast at the next election.

“Asked which electorate MP they would vote for if an election were held today, 35.7 per cent of respondents said they would vote for a Maori Party candidate, while 26.3 per cent said they would vote for a Labour candidate.”

The good news is Destiny NZ is supported by just 0.2 per cent of voters on both Maori and general rolls.

I do have to laugh at Tamihere complaining that the Maori Party runs Maori TV. Serves them right. He also predicted that if Turia was ever appointed Maori Affairs Minister it would be “the kiss of death of race relations in this country.”

It will be very interesting how Labour ranks their Maori MPs on their list. Because that may be the only way back in for some.