Blog vs Media Referrals

A fortnight ago I did a blog post to promote the half price gym memberships available through FitnessNZ.

This wasn’t an advert. I did it because it seemed a good cause (more people exercising), just as media also cover such things. Now FitnessNZ have tracked their number of memberships with media coverage. They didn’t have paid advertising so were reliant on media mentions, and there were three major mentions. They have kindly shared the results with me.

A seven minute spot on TV One’s Good Morning Show netted 30 immediate memberships, and around a further dozen over the next week,

A 60 second mention on a nationally syndicated prime time private radio show got around five memberships.

The post on my blog led to around 35 memberships.

I am very surprised, but also pleased, by that. I thought there would have been only half a dozen from the blog referral, but in fact it is up there with a seven minute plug on daytime TV.

For some time I have been considering (once I had the server issues sorted out) selliing (or auctioning) off a banner advertising spot at the top of the blog. This feedback suggests I should do so.