Delayed Posts

Currently most posts I make are not appearing for hours and hours after I finish them. Yesterday the ten or so posts I made during the day did not appear until mid to late evening. This is incredibly frustrating to me as one of the things I know people like about the blog is the up to date nature of it. I’d almost throw my lap top out the window, but that isn’t the problem.

The front page is meant to rebuild with every new post (and comment). Of late it hasn’t been doing this too well, sometimes taking half an hour to an hour to rebuild. The last two days it doesn’t rebuild even five or six hours after I have posted. Now there is a manual rebuild option also but that is timing out due to server issues so despite 20 attempts today to manually rebuild, it won’t show any post since the Frank Haden one.

I’m reliant on the good will of others to fix these issues. So I can’t give a timeframe. Currently I am spending more time every day on trying to get the blog to work properly than I am on actually blogging. This is incredibly demoralising.

All I can suggest to readers is to check for posts when you least expect it. They might appear at 7 pm, 1 am etc. The one thing they aren’t doing is appearing when I make them.