Scott Adams on Global Warming

Scott Adams is mainly known for his wonderful humour as the creator of Dilbert. But he has also just done a blog post on global warming, which pretty much nails it for me. He concludes:

1. The earth is getting warmer, and human activity is an important part of it.

2. There is plenty of bullshit on both sides of the issue.

3. The people who are well-informed about global warming are overstating the case by conflating the well-studied fact of human-created warming with the less-than-certain predictions of what happens because of the extra warming.

4. The people who say global warming is irrelevant because we should all be recycling and using less fossil fuel for other reasons anyway don’t understand the size of the problem.

5. The people predicting likely doom because of global warming have not made their case. Humans are incredibly adaptive. And technological breakthroughs happen in steps, not predictable straight lines. Every other predicted type of global doom hasn’t happened because of human resourcefulness.

6. Some say that even a small chance of worldwide catastrophe is worth the “insurance” of working to reduce the risk to zero, even at astronomical expense. But how small is a “small” risk? And how does the risk of global warming stack up to the other global risks for which we could use our limited resources?

Read the full post at the link above and the hundreds of comments.

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