Sarkozy Steals Socialists

Readers will remember how before the French Presidential election, Sarkozy was uniformly painted by the media as divisive and destructive.

Well the only area where Sarkozy is being divisive, is within the  Socialist Party.

First he bagged their most respected member as his Foreign Minister.

Now he has nominated their most popular member to be managing director of the International Monetary Fund.

This at a time where the Socialists are slit between two factions – the Royal  faction and the Hollande faction – whose respective leaders were partners with children up until a few weeks ago.

Sarkozy has also raided the centrist Union for French Democracy, leaving just a tiny rump of a party headed by its former leader Francois Bayrou who says the President is behaving like a piranha in a goldfish bowl.

Sarkozy just smiles, as his opponents are left in turmoil.  And as he says “Should I deprive France of his candidacy because he is Socialist? How would I be President of all French people if I reasoned like that?”

No wonder his popularity is so high. How do you argue against that.

I can’t wait for him to implement his 0% tax rate on earnings over the first 35 hours a week.