Once again NRT makes it up

The sad decline of No Right Turn continues.  In a post on the climate change report he claims:

DPF regards this as proof positive that the costs of mitigation are too high, and that therefore we should not bother at all to do anything about emissions.

My post is here. The comments NRT attributes to me are invented.  In fact I said:

I have been saying for some months that we need more data on the benefits and costs of climate change and mitigation strategies, so that they can be weighed up. This report provides some of that data.

And later in the comments, I say:

I do have real problems with a Govt line of not acknowledging the trade offs between growth and carbon. If the cost of reduced carbon emissions is 1% less economic growth, well then that may be the price one has to pay.

Nowhere have I said or suggested we do nothing about emissions. As the comment makes clear, I accept that we may have to live with reduced economic growth to reduce carbon emissions.  I don’t think carbon neutrality is realistic (and let’s face it that is just an election slogan from Helen) but some stabilisation and reduction is possible.

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