A shorter list of blogs

I was having a look at my blogroll today and noted it was now around 400 blogs. Now I am actually subscribed to the RSS feeds for all those blogs (if I subscribe to an RSS feed  in Bloglines, it is automatically added to my blogroll), but don’t read every post on every blog.

Bloglines allows me to skim the first paragraphs of any entries, and then decide whether to read in full.

Anyway I thought it might be useful for me to put together a separate listing of the blogs I tend to always read in full.  This does not mean I endorse them, just that I read them more often than not. Please do not be offended if you are not on this list. I still read your blog, I just had to draw the line somewhere.

So there is now a new permanent page called “Must Read Blogs“. It lists 20 NZ political blogs and 36 other blogs. Correspondence will not be entered into but bribes will always be considered.