A guide for MPs to avoid questions

Steven Price has an extremely informative and hilarious guide on how MPs duck awkward questions. It has to be read in context so I won’t summarise it here, but he describes the various techniques as:

  1. The Headbutt (Winston Peters)
  2. The Flip (Annette King, Nick Smith)
  3. The Dodge (Lianne Dalziel, Bill Birch, Murray McCully, Helen Clark, Jenny Shipley)
  4. The Smother Tackle (Jenny Shipley)
  5. The Block (Jenny Shipley, Steve Maharey)
  6. The Attack (Helen Clark, Tony Ryall, Winston Peters)
  7. The Amazing Shipley One-Size Fits All Multi-purpose response

It is a great piece of work by Steven – I wish I could hear the audio version. And it should really be taught to all new journalists!