International Young Democratic Union Council

The International Young Democratic Union is the federation of youth sections of centre-right parties around the world. It has around 80 members and is part of the International Democrat Union founded by Reagan, Thatcher, and Kohl.

They have an annual Council or conference, and this year it is hosted in Wellington by the Young Nationals. I’m a former IYDU Executive member, so still help out a bit from the sidelines.

Anyway the Council started last night (runs until Sunday) and many of us ended up at Hummingbird enjoying the hospitality. I’ll be attending most of the Council so blogging may be sporadic.

If you are a political wonk like myself, you love these sort of meetings because you get to discuss international politics with young MPs and political leaders around the globe. I went from discussing all the nominees Obama has had to withdraw (and now his Treasury nominee is in trouble) with the Federal Chairman of the US College Republicans, to NSW state politics with the Aussies to the timing of the next UK election with the Brits.  Like I said, great fun for those who follow international politics.

The local Young Nats have put together a good agenda for our visitors. Sessions on our economic reform legacy, on free trade, on the Treaty, on the economic crisis etc etc. We also have each country attending do a formal report on their last election or general political situation. You often pick up some great campaign ideas at these sessions.