Press Gallery Party

Well that was a good one. Everyone in really good humour, and a huge turnout.

I’ll be hit by a US Tomahawk missile if I reveal too much, but let me just say that the new US Ambassador is an absolutely top guy with a great sense of humour, and everyone who met him raved about how genial he was. Almost enough to make me vote Democrat if it means we get to keep him here for eight years 🙂

The partying carried on long after the official event closed. People may want to guess which Labour MPs were seen at The Establishment around 5 am!

Also which TV reporter had a very fun night? They know who they are!

I think all the alcohol got drunk, or at least all the beer. The sausages kept flowing all night which helped people keep going.  There was a distinct lack of non alcoholic drinks, but I guess supply was estimated to meet demand (or lack of).

Many thanks to the gallery for their hospitality. They don’t just pay for the party themselves (well their employers do) but most of them spend much of the night serving drinks and cooking on the BBQ.