Back Benches 22 February 2012

THIS WEEK ON BACK BENCHES: Watch Wallace Chapman, Damian Christie, the Back Benches Panel and special guests discuss the week’s hottest topics!

THE PRICE TO PAY: It’s a year since the February 22nd Christchurch earthquake which claimed the lives of 185 people and so many buildings and homes in the Canterbury region. Insurance companies have paid out millions to Cantabrians. What is the state of their coffers? Is there enough money? Will we all have to pay more for our premiums? Will it become harder to get coverage? Do we need more regulation of the sector? Are enough of us properly insured?

EQC: The EQC has paid out over $2.8 billion over the last 15 months. They have fixed 8200 homes out of the 100,000 in need of repair. They currently have over 433,000 claims. The reserves are drained so what next? How do we refill the reserves? What happens if there is another natural disaster? The EQC is under review—what will the commission look like the future? Should the EQC still cover contents? Is the land cover sufficient? What about the first $100,000 of building insurance? Should it be raised?

Join us for a night of LIVE pub politics from the Backbencher Pub: Wednesday, 22nd of February. Our Panel: Green Party MP Kennedy Graham, Labour MP Lianne Dalziel, New Zealand First MP Denis O’Rourke, and National MP Nicky Wagner.