Coromandel Day II

We’re staying at Hot Water Beach, and the name is literal. Within an hour of low tide, you can dig down and hit hot water springs. And they are hot – up to 65 celsius.

The beach gets very crowded, The most inland spots go first, and the challenge of being further out is well the tide comes in over the walls.

One can see the pool taking shape with the workers hard at work.

Me working, and ‘Young Nigella” pretending to work.

One happy child.

Two happy children.

Two more happy bigger children.

One happy couple!

In some of the pools the water got so hot, that they had to let seawater in to cool it down. Our pool was at a very nice temperature – probably 30 celsius or so.  Sadly a slightly cold ending as when the tide started to come back in a large wave crashed into it. Brrrrrrr.