Tex’s 10 campaign tricks

Mark Textor writes in the Sydney Morning Herald on his ten tips for surviving a campaign. Worth reading the full article, but a summary is:

  1.  Look after your feet.
  2. Avoid the booze.
  3.  Keep your lips sealed.
  4. The biggest mistake you can make is to not tell someone you have made a mistake.
  5. Ignore media commentators and stick to your part of the plan.
  6. Look after your soul.
  7. As they say in the Tour de France, pace yourself and wait for the mountains.
  8. Be frank. You are not there to be popular. Only useful.
  9.  Eat well.
  10. Don’t gamble on a campaign

He concludes:

Regardless, soak up that responsibility. Unlike the spectators, your actions have consequences on those relying on you. While this responsibility must be taken seriously, it is satisfying. Don’t enjoy being on the campaign, enjoy the satisfaction of the successful execution of your responsibilities.

Good advice.