Comparing the MP ratings

I’ve done a little table comparing the MP ratings done this year by Fairfax, NZ Herald and Trans-Tasman.

The Fairfax ones were out of five, so I have doubled them for comparison purposes.


The National Minister with the greatest variation is David Carter. Fairfax had him as a 5/10 while Herald had 8/10.

Steven Joyce was only Minister to get the same score from all three publications – 7/10.

The overall highest ranked Minister was Tony Ryall on 8.3, followed by Finlayson and Collins on 8.0 each.

The Labour MP with the greatest variation is David Shearer. Fairfax had him at a massive 8/10 while Trans-Tasman had 4/10 and Herald 6/10.  Also great variation with David Parker whom Fairfax had at 9/10, Trans-Tasman 6.5 and Herald 6.0.

Parker’s overall average was highest for Labour at 7.2, followed by Robertson at 6.7.

All three publications had the National frontbench ranked higher than Labour, but still significant variation. For National the average was 6.9 TT, 6.8 Fairfax and Herald a bit higher at 7.4.

For Labour Fairfax highest at 5.6, Herald at 5.5 and TT 4.1.

So in terms of the average difference, TT had Nats +2.8, Herald had Nats +1.9 and Fairfax Nats +0.8.