Marriages, Unions and Divorces

Interesting data from Stats NZ.

  • 20,521 marriages in 2012. The number of marriages has been fairly constant for the last 20 years
  • The marriage rate per 1,000 non-married adults has fallen from 32 in 1977 to 11.8 in 2012.
  • The median age of bridegrooms was 32.3 and brides 30.2
  • In 1983 it was 26.5 and 23.9 respectively
  • The divorce rate is 10.1 per 1,000 marriages. This has fallen in recent years from a high of 17.1 in 1982
  • The median duration of a marriage that divorces is 13.7 years and the median age for divorcing is 45.7 for men and 43.2 for women
  • There have been 2,981 civil unions since 2005. 592 were heterosexual couples, 1,033 were gay couples and 1,356 were lesbian couples