Supernatural ACC claims

I recently OIA’d ACC and asked them how many compensation claims had been paid out due to zombies, vampires or ghosts in the last five years.

I’ve had a response and there were 25 claims costing a total of $24,500 excl GST.

So not a great impact from our undead brethren. In fact sadly it seems all the claims were due to humans, not the undead.

ACC provided details of some of the claims (not identifying the clients of course), which are quite amusing. They include:

  • Being chased by a zombie at Spookers; turned and hit pole, and flipped over fence
  • Playing “zombies” at school; crashed into pole 
  • Playing ghosts tripped and fell 
  • Accidentally put arm through window telling ghost story
  • Crawling under bed to find ghost – hit head on bed
  • Fell off stage during ghost tour 
  • Playing ghost tag, bumped into dishwasher
  • Playing ghosts with sister; had a sheet over head, and banged jaw
  • Walking like a zombie in hallway; slipped on carpet and twisted ankle sideways
  • Banged forehead on door frame when pretending to be a ghost (wearing a blanket)
  • Theme park ghost ride – was thrown from side to side causing a horrible pain in neck
  • Removing face paint/makeup after zombie party; pain in eye while removing – worsened following morning

I like the crawling under the bed to find a ghost. I suspect they had a child unable to sleep due to the ghost there. Not sure hwo you play ghost tag, but sounds fun. Also unsure why you would walk like a zombie in a hallway, unless you were one.

Dressing up as a ghost is likely to lead you to walk into doorframes, unless you put eye hole in!