No Calvin and Hobbes film

Stuff reports:

No matter how much you want it, you’re unlikely to see a Calvin and Hobbes film.

Bill Watterson, who created the immensely popular comic strip about a boy and his tiger friend, has said that although he’s impressed with modern animated films from the likes of Pixar, he doesn’t see the need for a big-screen adaptation.

“The visual sophistication of Pixar blows me away, but I have zero interest in animating Calvin and Hobbes. If you’ve ever compared a film to a novel it’s based on, you know the novel gets bludgeoned. It’s inevitable, because different media have different strengths and needs, and when you make a movie, the movie’s needs get served. As a comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes works exactly the way I intended it to. There’s no upside for me in adapting it.” 

This makes me very sad.

I adore Calvin & Hobbes. Watterson is a genius for his ability to portray the world as Calvin sees it.

But he is probably right. The comic books are so perfect, that a movie just couldn’t capture that tension between the real world and Calvin’s world.