WCC abandons living wage

The Dom Post reports:

Wellington City Council is refusing to be dictated to on its commitment to a living wage policy.

By July 1, all fulltime Wellington City Council staff will be paid a minimum wage of $18.40 an hour.

That is 40c an hour less than the figure the Aotearoa Living Wage movement has defined.

Actually the living wage level should be almost $23 an hour if you use their original methodology. They basially just make up whatever figure they think they can now get away with.

Furthermore, the council’s living wage will not apply to any of the city’s cleaners, construction crews, museum guides or venue ushers.

Hilarious – looks like i will only apply to people paid above it anyway,

Moving those contracted and council controlled organisation staff to the $18.40 base would cost another $2.5 million a year.

Good to see Celia and the Council abandon their policy. The Council should pay what the market rate is, and not a cent more.