Majority of Greens voters say Turei wrong to lie to get more money

Newshub reports:

An overwhelming majority of New Zealanders think Greens Co-Leader Metiria Turei was wrong to commit benefit fraud. …

In the latest Newshub Reid Research poll 74 per cent of Kiwis said it was wrong for Ms Turei to lie to get a bigger benefit. Eighteen percent said it wasn’t wrong and 8 percent didn’t know.

So do the 74% who say it was wrong, want Turei as Welfare Minister in a Labour-Green Government and implementing their policy of lifetime welfare entitlements where you can 20 years on the dole and never have to attend even a single job interview.

The vast majority of National, Labour, and NZ First voters said it was wrong for Ms Turei to lie to WINZ, as well as more than half of Green voters

Those saying it was wrong are:

  • National voters 85%
  • NZ First voters 77%
  • Labour voters 67%
  • Green voters 51%

Of course Turei still doesn’t think it was wrong. She blames taxpayers for not giving her more money. Her decision to lie is out fault, not her fault.

This is now Jacinda’s first test as Labour Leader. They have an MoU with the Greens. Does Jacinda think Metiria can serve as Deputy Prime Minister in a Labour-Green Government? Does she think she can serve in any capacity? Does she condone or condemn her welfare and electoral fraud?

To date Jacinda has said she doesn’t want to comment on other parties. I am sure she doesn’t. But her party has an MoU with the Greens. It makes it relevent.

UPDATE: Ardern to her credit has said she would be uncomfortable with Turei as a minister, leading Turei to say she will not seek to be a Minister if they are in Government. However Turei is still defiant and will not resign as co-leader.

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