Does Heritage NZ deliberately choose the ugliest buildings to protect?

Heritage NZ said:

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga has recognised the exceptional significance of three Wellington historic places. These noteworthy buildings, built throughout the 20th century, are now Category 1 historic places on the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero (‘the List’). …

McLean Flats and Gordon Wilson Flats, built in 1943-44 and 1957-59 respectively to provide state rental housing, are of outstanding significance for the way they exhibit how Modernism became a characteristic approach in New Zealand’s mid-20th century public architecture, and together reflect the evolution in Modern design before and after World War Two. They represent a period of optimism and determination to transform society through architecture. The Gordon Wilson Flats is the country’s sole remaining example of 1950s high-rise state housing and is therefore uniquely placed to demonstrate that chapter of New Zealand’s response to the need for housing. As examples of the state exploring different models of housing density, both blocks of flats make interesting contributions to current debates about provision of housing and urban spatial planning in New Zealand.

The flats listed are ugly eyesores. They look like they were imported from the former Soviet Union.

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