Why did the tenant get name suppression?
Stuff reports:
The tenant of a Hamilton home who left 540 cigarette burns in the carpet, along with other damage, has been ordered to pay $3499 to the landlord.
The tenant, whose name has been suppressed by the Tenancy Tribunal, lived in the three-bedroom house from December 31, 2021 until May 22, 2024, when she agreed to leave due to the owner’s wish to undertake major renovations.
Why does the tenant get name suppression? Future landlords have a right to know if a tenant has a track record of damaging the properties they rent.
Smoking in the house was not permitted under the tenancy agreement, but the tribunal was provided photographs by the landlord, who said they showed 98 cigarette burns in the lounge, 71 cigarette burns in the carpet of one bedroom, 70 in the carpet of another bedroom, and “approximately three hundred in the third bedroom”.
That is a huge amount of burns, and shows a total disregard for the property.