Gary Moore on Telecom

The afternoon Speakers were generally more technical, focused on how to make things happen, and how to apply for funds. The exception was an amusing speech from Christchurch Mayor Garry Moore.

Garry is quoted in the Dominion Post on Monday as saying existing capacity in Christchurch is “pathetic” and that Telecom has “a lot to answer for”.

That was the diplomatic version of Garry Moore. The blunt version was at the conference when he said “Oh yes and Telecom, may they rot in hell for-ever”.

I personally don’t have any issues with Telecom, in that they are acting as they are required to by law – to maximise returns for their shareholders. And they are very good at it.

My issues is with the setup of the infrastructure which has one company controlling so much of the infrastructure. The solutions are not bashing up Telecom, but making sure we have an environment where competition can flourish. Having said that I am not at all shy about forcefully disagreeing with Telecom on specific issues. In fact not shy about forcefully disagreeing with anyone on any issue ๐Ÿ™‚

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