A good suggestion

The idiotic parent who were not allowed to name their kid “4Real” are now planning to register him as “Superman”.

I liked the suggestion:

Parents – if you think 4real is such a cool name, why don’t you change your own name by deed poll and wander round introducing yourself as 4Real for a month before deciding whether it is a good idea for your kid. Your kid is not you! And you don’t own him. Imagine being him – how hurt he’ll feel when he gets to school and discovers the name he identifies himself by has a totally different meaning for everyone else, and is generally considered a ridiculous one. He’ll be hurt his parents hadn’t thought of his feelings, hadn’t empathised with their own child’s situation. If the kid really wants to be called 4Real, he can choose it himself later on. And so what if you realised your kid was ‘4Real’. Later on he will make you ‘tired’ or maybe you’ll be ‘blown away’ by him, but do any of those make good names? They are just one of thousands of words to do with your child. No one doubts you love him, but think of him why don’t you.

In the end the state can’t and shouldn’t stop stupid names being registered for kids.  But really how selfish those parents are.