Join the debate tonight

The TVNZ7 debate with InternetNZ between four parties on Internet and ICT issues in on tonight starting at 9.10 pm. The first hour is on TVNZ7 and the second hour (plus the first hour also) is webcast at

It is a fully interactive debate and you can ask questions online, vote for the party (via website or text) with the best policies and have fun discussing it in a chat channel.

The MPs taking part are David Cunliffe, Maurice Williamson, Rodney Hide and Metira Turei.

The two journalists on the panel are Fran O’Sullivan and Russell Brown. The moderator was to be Sean Plunket but he has been replaced by Damien Christie.

The Herald reports on why Sean will not be doing the debate. Despite it being as small and un threatening as you can get, the Radio NZ Chief Executive refused permission for Sean to do it. This has led to Sean announcing he is planning to leave Radio NZ and is looking for a new job after 11 years there.

Damien will do a very good job, but I am annoyed Radio NZ has refused to let Sean do the debate – are they not meant to support public good broadcasting? I suggested Sean as the moderator, and never had any idea that it could lead to problems with Rado NZ.  Some questions should be asked about whether Radio NZ are being too precious here.

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