Such guts

Paula Tesoriero picked up her third paralympics medal yesterday in literally blistering heat, getting bronze for the 25 km road race:

Tesoriero was not able to stand on the dais to receive her medal as a result of heat exhaustion in blistering temperatures. She will spend a day in bed to recover fully from her ailment.

All who compete at the Paralympics are awesome role medals. So far the NZ team has won nine medals (Paula is one third of that!) and four more days to go.

TVNZ report on the worthy stand in for Paula:

She was taken to hospital for a precautionary MRI scan so a stand-in was needed for the medal ceremony.

This position was taken by her husband Chris Bishop who probably deserved some reward for the stress he’d been though watching his wife!

Chris is the most amazingly supportive partner for Paula, and definitely her number one fan. I knew both Chris and Paula before they started dating. In fact we spent some time trying to convince Paula that we thought Chris was interested in being more than just friends with her.

Paula kept denying this, and kept asking us what made us think this. Finally one day we confessed “Well mainly because Chris has told us he is” šŸ™‚

A final reminder – friends and fans can vote for Paula on the TVNZ site. You’ll go in for a chance to win an Mitsubishi Outlander, and the top scoring competitor gets one also.