Public Debate on Alcohol Purchase Age

The Victoria University Debating Society is holding a public debate tonight on the issue of liquor law reform. The debate will be held in Government Buildings Lecture Theatre One (on the Stout Street side of the Old Government Buildings, Lambton Quay, Wellington) at 6:30pm.

The topic is “THAT WE SHOULD RAISE THE DRINKING AGE”. Each speaker will be invited to speak about the drinking age (technically, the alcohol purchase age) and other issues related to alcohol and the law, before the debate is opened up to questions from the audience. There will be coffee and tea after the debate.

The speaking lineup is as follows:

Gerard Vaughan – CEO, Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
Roger Kerr – Executive Director, New Zealand Business Roundtable
Iain Lees-Galloway – Labour Spokesperson on Alcohol & Drug Issues
Jenna Raeburn – Spokesperson, Keep It 18
Jo Goodhew MP – National Party MP for Rangitata
Stephen Whittington – New Zealand Debating Champion

Chairperson: Seb Templeton, President of the Victoria University Debating Society.

The debate promises to be an informative event and a great opportunity to hear from a range of views. It is open to the public, so I highly recommend that you come along.

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