The sky is falling … the sky is falling

The CTU is a bit like Chicken Little at the moment. On RNZ yesterday on minor changes to employment law…

The Council of Trade Unions says the changes to industrial relations laws being considered are the worst attack on workers’ rights since the 1990s

In fact the changes are very much around the margins, and fairly in-substantive. The Government should require unions to collect their own membership fees, rather than force employers to be unpaid fee collectors ofr them – then they really would have something to complain about.

But the “worst attack since the 1990s” line is now new. It’s exactly what the CTU said about the 90 Day trial periods in their 2010 submission:

 “The largest step backwards in workers’ rights since 1990.”

I guess they have a macro on their computers that just inserts that phrase automatically into releases and submissions!


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