Fairfax scores its 2012 predictions

The Fairfax gallery team put up 20 political predictions at the start of each year. I like that they are game enough to do so, as events can be hard to predict.

They have scored their 2012 predictions and got 126.5/200. Their best prediction:

3. Former forecaster Brendan Horan will prove to be NZ First’s own weather bomb.

Soothsaying at its very best. The embarrassing allegations about his use of his dying mother’s money, and his expulsion from NZ First speak for themselves. He was the party’s weakest link, goodbye. We thought it was worth a good 10/10 but the auditor gave a generous 12.5/10 noting it was “luck bordering on genius”.

A good call indeed. Balanced with:

17. NZ First will pick former North Shore Mayor Andrew Williams as its deputy leader.

Winston Peters is still teasing that an announcement will be made “soon” but after a year we are still waiting so . . . 0/10

I think they will annoint one in 2013, and it will be Tracey Martin.

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