Labour’s Tamaki Makaurau fiasco continues

The Herald reports:

The Labour Party has re-opened nominations for the Auckland-based Maori electorate of Tamaki Makaurau following a decision to block the nomination of former TVNZ Maori news manager and broadcaster Shane Taurima.

It has also issued a statement of regret about how its actions may have affected Mr Taurima.

Mr Taurima resigned from TVNZ after it was discovered he had been campaigning for Labour while working there.

It has re-opened nominations until next Wednesday afternoon.

Poor Will Flavell. Basically a vote of no confidence in him. This is the second time they have reopened niminations in an electorate when basically they don’t like the sole nominee.

In a statement issued this afternoon, the New Zealand council said the decision to re-open nominations had the support of the local electorate committee.

It also said: “The NZ Council has also resolved that it regrets any adverse impact on Shane Taurima’s professional reputation that may have occurred as a result of its decision not to grant Mr Taurima a waiver to contest the candidate selection in Tamaki Makaurau this year.

“We retain a high regard for Shane’s abilities and believe he has a positive future with our party.”

Sounds like he threatened to sue.

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