Trans-Tasman on Pig gate responses

Trans-Tasman scribes some possible responses from parties to Pig-gate.

Parliament rose this week for recess, but not without the parties giving their views on the allegations about British Prime Minister David Cameron and his youthful indiscretion with a pig.

National stands by its previous position on the issue, whatever it was, and points out Labour had nine long years to engage in debauched behaviour with animals but failed to do so. Also PM John Key is quite into pigtails.

Labour is setting up a Commission on the Future of Pork which will give it some policy. It has also unearthed official advice saying National ignored official advice on debauched behaviour with animals. MP Phil Twyford is protesting the traditional method of calling pigs, “SooEY!” sounds Chinese.

The Greens are querying the pig’s contribution to climate change, and also whether it could be used to combat child poverty.

The Maori Party is keeping a low profile, as it tends to do these days. There isn’t a Whanau Ora aspect to this, unless there is a chance to use the pig for some sort of koha – and really, they would rather not, considering where it has been.

New Zealand First doesn’t know what to think, as Winston is away right now. But whatever it is they are really really angry about it.

Peter Dunne meanwhile is just really irritable about the whole thing, and is hoping to annoy NZ First about it if he can’t annoy the government this time.

ACT’s David Seymour has a really amusing, accidental double entendre all prepared for the next photo op.

Heh, not bad.

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