Members’ bills ballot 12 November 2015

A Members’ bill ballot will be held at noon today. Four bills will be drawn.

Proposed members’ bills may be viewed here. Recently lodged bills may not yet be available.

The bills entered in the ballot are listed below.

Bill Title Member Name
1 Accident Compensation (Recent Migrants and Returning New Zealanders) Amendment Bill Melissa Lee
2 Age of Majority (Attainment at 18 Years) Amendment Bill Brett Hudson
3 Arbitration Amendment Bill Tim Macindoe
4 Better Public Service Target Results Independent Audit Bill Darroch Ball
5 Broadcasting (Games of National Significance) Amendment Bill Clayton Mitchell
6 Buy New Zealand (Procurement) Bill Barbara Stewart
7 Celebrant Eligibility Expansion Bill Chris Bishop
8 Charter Schools (Application of Official Information and Ombudsmen Acts) Bill Hon Nanaia Mahuta
9 Child Poverty Reduction and Eradication Bill Jacinda Ardern
10 Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (Parent’s and Guardian’s Responsibility) Amendment Bill Barbara Kuriger
11 Commerce (Supermarket Adjudicator and Code of Conduct) Amendment Bill Mojo Mathers
12 Companies (Annual Report Notice Requirements) Amendment Bill Matt Doocey
13 Consumer Guarantees (Removal of Unrelated Party Lender Responsibility) Amendment Bill Dr Shane Reti
14 Copyright (Parody and Satire) Amendment Bill Gareth Hughes
15 Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance (Break Fees Disclosure) Amendment Bill Simon O’Connor
16 Credit Reforms (Responsible Lending) Bill Kris Faafoi
17 Crimes (Corporate Manslaughter) Amendment Bill Hon Damien O’Connor
18 Crimes (Increased Penalty for Providing Explosive to Commit Crime) Amendment Bill Todd Muller
19 Crimes (Non-fatal Strangulation) Amendment Bill Kelvin Davis
20 Criminal Procedure (Removing Paedophile Name Suppression) Amendment Bill Pita Paraone
21 Crown Minerals (Homes and Residences Exemption) Amendment Bill Eugenie Sage
22 Crown Minerals (Protection of World Heritage Sites) Amendment Bill Hon Ruth Dyson
23 Customs and Excise (Prohibition of Imports Made by Slave Labour) Amendment Bill Peeni Henare
24 Domestic Violence—Victims’ Protection Bill Jan Logie
25 Education (Charter Schools Abolition) Amendment Bill Chris Hipkins
26 Education (Charter Schools Teacher Quality) Amendment Bill Hon Phil Goff
27 Education (Public Good not Profit from Charter Schools) Amendment Bill Dr David Clark
28 Electricity Industry (Energy Efficiency) Amendment Bill Rino Tirikatene
29 Employment Relations (Allowing Higher Earners to Contract Out of Personal Grievance Provisions) Amendment Bill Scott Simpson
30 Employment Relations (Certainty at Work) Amendment Bill Iain Lees-Galloway
31 Employment Relations (Restoring Kiwis’ Right to a Break at Work) Amendment Bill Sue Moroney
32 Employment Relations (Triangular Employment) Amendment Bill Stuart Nash
33 End of Life Choice Bill David Seymour
34 Environment Canterbury (Democracy Restoration) Amendment Bill Dr Megan Woods
35 Equal Pay Amendment Bill Marama Davidson
36 Family Proceedings (Paternity Orders and Parentage Tests) Amendment Bill Jacqui Dean
37 Housing Restructuring and Tenancy Matters (Assured Tenancies) Amendment Bill Jenny Salesa
38 Immigration (Refugee Quota) Amendment Bill Denise Roche
39 Income Tax (Clean Transport FBT Exclusions) Amendment Bill Julie Anne Genter
40 Independent Prison Inspectorate Bill David Clendon
41 International Non-Aggression and Lawful Use of Force (Implementation of Amendment to Statute of Rome) Bill Dr Kennedy Graham
42 International Transparent Treaties Bill Fletcher Tabuteau
43 Kirpan Authorisation Bill Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi
44 Land Transfer (Foreign Ownership of Land Register) Amendment Bill Mahesh Bindra
45 Land Transport (Tourist Driver Rental Vehicle) Amendment Bill Denis O’Rourke
46 Lawyers and Conveyancers (Protection of Community Law Centre Funding) Amendment Bill Carmel Sepuloni
47 Legislation (Climate Impact Disclosure Statement) Amendment Bill James Shaw
48 Life Jackets for Children and Young Persons Bill Alfred Ngaro
49 Litter (Increased Infringement Fee) Amendment Bill Jono Naylor
50 Local Government (Four Well-beings) Amendment Bill Su’a William Sio
51 Local Government (Freedom of Access) Amendment Bill Jonathan Young
52 Marriage (Court Consent to Marriage of Minors) Amendment Bill Joanne Hayes
53 Meat Industry Restructuring Bill Richard Prosser
54 Military Decorations and Distinctive Badges (Modernisation) Amendment Bill Todd Barclay
55 New Zealand Public Health and Disability (Child Health Obesity Target) Amendment Bill Hon Annette King
56 Oaths and Declarations (Endorsing the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi) Amendment Bill Marama Fox
57 Oaths and Declarations (Members of Parliament) Amendment Bill Meka Whaitiri
58 Ombudsmen (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill Hon David Parker
59 Our Work Our Future Bill Andrew Little
60 Overseas Investment (Protection of New Zealand Homebuyers) Amendment Bill Phil Twyford
61 Private International Law (Choice of Law in Tort) Bill David Bennett
62 Public Finance (Sustainable Development Indicators) Amendment Bill Steffan Browning
63 Public Works (Prohibition of Compulsory Acquisition of Māori Land) Amendment Bill Catherine Delahunty
64 Radio New Zealand (Catch-up Funding) Amendment Bill Clare Curran
65 Radiocommunications (Enhanced Public Broadcasting Provision) Amendment Bill Adrian Rurawhe
66 Receiverships (Agricultural Debt Mediation) Amendment Bill Ron Mark
67 Residential Tenancies (Warm, Safe, and Secure Rentals) Amendment Bill Metiria Turei
68 Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Exemption for RNZRSA Clubs from Special Licencing Requirements for Anzac Day) Amendment Bill Paul Foster-Bell
69 Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Renewal of Licences) Amendment Bill Louisa Wall
70 Sentencing (Domestic Violence) Amendment Bill Poto Williams
71 Sentencing (Livestock Rustling) Amendment Bill Ian McKelvie
72 Shop Trading Hours Act Repeal (Shopping Centre Opening Hours) Amendment Bill Hon Trevor Mallard
73 Social Security (Apprenticeship Assistance for Youth) Amendment Bill Grant Robertson
74 Social Security (Stopping Benefit Payments for Offenders who Repeatedly Fail to Comply with Community Sentences) Amendment Bill Mark Mitchell
75 Summary Offences (Increased Penalty for Seeking Donations by False Pretence) Amendment Bill Nuk Korako
76 Vulnerable Children (Mandatory Social Worker Registration) Amendment Bill Ria Bond
77 Waitemata Harbour Protection Bill Rt Hon Winston Peters
78 Wildlife (Threatened Species Protection) Amendment Bill Kevin Hague

The bills by party (Ministers excluded) are:

  • National – 22/34
  • Labour – 29/32
  • Greens – 14/14
  • NZ First -11/12
  • Maori – 1/1
  • ACT – 1/1
  • Total – 78/94

Really good to see six extra National MPs with bills in the ballot. My campaign must be working!

UPDATE: The four bills selected are:

  • Commerce (Supermarket Adjudicator and Code of Conduct) Amendment Bill – Mojo Mathers
  • Overseas Investment (Protection of New Zealand Homebuyers) Amendment Bill – Phil Twyford
  • Oaths and Declarations (Endorsing the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi) Amendment Bill – Marama Fox
  • Social Security (Stopping Benefit Payments for Offenders who Repeatedly Fail to Comply with Community Sentences) Amendment Bill – Mark Mitchell

So National, Labour, Greens and Maori Party each had a bill selected.

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