Now they want to ban fast food from a shopping mall!
Stuff reports:
The Christchurch City Council will investigate ways to limit unhealthy food outlets setting up shop close to schools.
More of this madness. A map in Auckland showed that if you banned food outlets within 800 metres of a school, them most of Auckland would be covered.
Linwood College student Harriet Helms, 16, said 90 per cent of her friends went to Burger King after school at least four times a week. They went for the free wi-fi and purchased food while they were there.
She wanted a place that had free wi-fi and healthier food options.
If they are after free wifi they are going to go to a place that has it, regardless of whether it is 100 metres or 1 km from the school.
Linwood Medical Centre’s Dr Richard Griffiths asked the council to show some backbone and regulate against the outlets.
“Day in, day out we’re confronted by adult obesity and more concerning child obesity.”
Griffiths said he was furious at the ease in which companies could position themselves across from schools.
Oh such hysteria. You’d think this is a school in the middle of the countryside, and KFC has chosen to open up outside their school just to target them.
The school is located next to a major shopping mall. Shopping malls the world over have fast food outlets. People like to eat while they shop.