Curran calls for debate on having unions vote for the leader
The ODT reports:
The powerful new role played by unions and party members in selecting Labour leaders needs to be reviewed, one of the party’s Dunedin MPs says.
The system has delivered two leaders, David Cunliffe and Andrew Little, who failed to connect with the public.
Dunedin South MP Clare Curran said a discussion was needed about whether unions and party members should continue having a say in who leads.
”I think we do need to re-look at the way we select our leaders, but that’s a question for after the election,” Curran said.
I believe MPs should decide their own leader. They are the ones who work day after day with their colleagues and know their strengths and weaknesses.
University of Otago public law specialist Prof Andrew Geddis said it was a matter for the party, but the unions’ involvement was problematic.
”The problem is, it’s not the members of the unions who [vote], it’s the officials within the unions. It’s not a popular choice by union members.”
Yep in most unions a few union officials get a huge vote.