An unimpressed Aussie

Piers Akerman writes in the Daily Telegraph:

Don’t let political correctness stop you from laughing at the latest Kiwi joke — New Zealand’s new Labour government.

And surely it cannot be misogynist to question the skills of the new Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, the 37-year-old neophyte who now joins the ranks of other weird gen Xers, French President Emanuel Macron, 39, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, 45, as a populist novice leader. …

Ardern however, a former president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, who worked in the office of former NZ Labour Prime Minister Helen Clark and former UK Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair, (she might have joined Bernie Sanders’ team in the US and Jeremy Corbyn’s UK effort if she had had the time) had no such scruples. She has happily gone along with the ratbag Left-wing radicals to grab power.

With a Labor-Green-Peters coalition holding office across the “Dutch” (as Kiwis call the Tasman Sea), we can expect to see a number of not-so surprising developments.

First, the NZ currency will probably continue the drop in value which began with the uncertainty about government on Friday.

Second, Australia will gain from an influx of savvy Kiwis who will demonstrate that they are not as flightless as their avian namesakes and flock to Australia while it still offers greater economic freedoms.

It will be very interesting to see how the migration rates change between NZ and Australia.

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