Public health extremism

Stuff reports:

McDonald’s and its namesake charity Ronald McDonald House have been compared to the late Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar.

Canterbury Medical Officer of Health Alistair Humphrey made the comment as he joined a chorus of medical professionals speaking out against the charity, which supports sick children and their families.

This shows how demented some public health activists have become. They have long abandoned rational dialogue and debate for hysterical caricatures.

Humphrey told Stuff that McDonald’s made a lot of money “out of selling a product that is killing a lot of New Zealanders”.

He likened the fast food giant and its charity to Escobar, who was revered for building homes for the poor in Colombia, despite killing 4000 people.

About 4 million people die from obesity each year, including 3000 in New Zealand.

Oh can we all play this game. Never mind Escobar murdered 4,000 people and McDonalds sells food that people like to eat. What other inane comparisons can we make.

Cadburys sells chocolate. Chocolate can lead to obesity. So Cadburys kills 3,000 people a year. Charles Manson only killed 35 people so Cadburys is 100 times worse than Charles Manson!!!

Wow this game is easy to play.

Humphrey, who did not support the facility in Christchurch, congratulated Public Health South and hoped the Southern DHB endorsed their stance.

Those who opposed had a “similar misguided gratitude” to the 25,000 people who attended Escobar’s funeral.

“They are drawing themselves into the deal with the devil, in my view.”

This guy is a taxpayer funded official. Well an official zealot that is.

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