Why is the Govt so slow moving?

Henry Cooke writes:

The hyped game-changers are still months and months away, despite the fact this Government came to power almost two years ago.
Those are new urban development agency Kainga Ora – a kind of mega-developer which can cut through planning rules to build whole new suburbs – and the new $400m progressive home ownership scheme.
Woods is entitled to not be hurried, given the mess she inherited.
But the fact this progressive home ownership plan has still not gone to Cabinet beggars belief. It was in the confidence and supply agreement that created this Government, so why will we not see it in place until the start of election year?

The progressive home ownership plan is just a concept at the moment, despite as Henry says it being in the confidence and supply agreement signed two years ago. Why didn’t work start on it in 2017?

Same with the urban development agency. It should have been set up by now.

The Kiwibuild reset itself is the best example of how slow moving and incompetent the Government is.

They announced the reset in January and said it would be done in a few weeks. It took them seven months. And was that seven months used to come up with a significantly changed Kiwibuild? No. The only significant change is dropping the targets. My God, that should have taken them seven days, not seven months.

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