Soper says Greens may get their tax plan

Barry Soper writes:

It’s too easy to dismiss the Greens’ Poverty Action Plan as a flight of fantasy – pie in the sky stuff that’ll never happen.

But think again.

Making policy like they’re planning takes power. And while the Greens may not have it at the moment, it could be a very different story after September 19.

The power in this Government lies with the Winston Peters’ handbrake party, New Zealand First, the only party in the formal coalition. The Greens’ opinion poll rating has been pretty consistent – above the 5 per cent threshold – whereas Labour’s coalition cobbers are struggling at 2 to 3 per cent.

So chances are that after September 19, the Greens could well be where NZ First was after the last election and able to make demands – such as moving tax rates for those earning over a hundred grand to 37 per cent, and those on $150,000 having 42 per cent of their income going into the government’s pocket.

Does anyone think Labour would fight against tax increases?

Smiling all the way to the ballot box if that doesn’t happen will be National, which will be out selling what a Labour/Greens coalition could look like.

Yep a vote for Labour is a vote for increasing taxes during a recession.

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