We should make another vaccine available

A reader writes in:

Im hoping you may be able to help me  raise some awareness.

Someone very close to me, like a relatively small number of people is unable to have a Pfizer vaccine due to allergy (others also due to existing medical conditions.)

For some in the above groups an alternate such as Jensen or AstraZeneca (both approved here) would offer protection from Covid perhaps not as good as Pfizer but better than no vaccine by a long way.

I have been told after making enquires with both  the MOH and my local MP 

that no alternative is available nor are there plans to make one available and to talk a medical proffesional. (Very condescending) 

I find this situation disturbing are we a team of 5000000 as the govt likes to tell us or 5000000 less a few hundred who dont matter? These people are getting called Anti Vaxxers and finding themselves excluded socially due to current messaging its taking a serious toll on them.

Could you please raise awareness of the situation nd the lack of an alternate to help those that find themselves in purgatory.

If we can secure extra Pfizer in a rush surely securing a supply of an alternate option is doable. 

I think we should make another vaccine available for those who can’t take the Pfizer vaccine. We don’t need a lot of does, just say 5,000 or so.

The Pfizer vaccine is excellent, but if making another vaccine available will lift vaccination numbers, we should do it.

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