Taxpayers’ Union staff are literally handing out free cash in Takapuna

The Taxpayers’ Union has announced:

The Taxpayers’ Union will today be refunding the fuel tax paid by those refuelling their vehicles at Takapuna Gull, between 12:00pm and 12.30pm, to mark Fuel Tax Honesty Day. 

Taxpayers’ Union spokesperson Louis Houlbrooke says, “In Auckland, 52 percent of the price of a litre of petrol is made up of taxes and levies.”

“We will be handing refuellers cash to refund them for the tax they pay on their fuel purchase.”

“Consumers are often unaware of what goes into the prices they pay, and this is most striking with petrol prices.”

“The Taxpayers’ Union has called on the Government to rein in the cost of living by cutting the excise tax on petrol.” “Fuel costs filter through to the price of every single household good, driving inflation and putting strain on household budgets.”

“If you can’t come along to get your fuel tax refund you can still support the campaign by signing the petition at,” says Mr Houlbrooke.

So if you live near Takapuna hurry along to Takapuna Gull to get something you’ll probably never get again – petrol without petrol tax. This could knock the cost of filling your tank up by $60 or more.

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