Government found to have acted illegally, again!

This High Court ruling seemed to have been missed by most of the media. A summary:

[146] I am unable to accept the first and second respondents’ submission that the review of the Epidemic Notice is sufficient to meet the constitutional requirement of continuing necessity of the Order. Nor is it sufficient that the Order was presented to the House and subject to its scrutiny pursuant to ss 16 and 18 of the Epidemic Preparedness Act. That process involves parliamentary scrutiny within six sitting days
after the day an IMO is made. If we have learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is that circumstances can change rapidly. What was appropriate in April 2020 may no longer be warranted in February 2022.

Basically the court case was about the Government using its pandemic powers to roll over collective contracts to help its union mates. The court basically said it might have been justified in early 2000, but they did no checking of whether it remained justified in 2021 or 2022.