More Doomsday Clock nonsense

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have been running a Doomsday Clock since 1945. This used to be a very useful thing, as it was a group of experts in an area, advising how close we were to a global nuclear war.

From 1945 to 1989 it ranged from two minutes to 12 minutes to midnight, reflect9ng changes in technology and the Cold War.

The Cold War ended in 1989, and with it any significant risk of global nuclear war. It moved to 17 minutes to midnight in 1991.

But then in 2010, as they faced irrelevance, they decided they needed to move the clock closer to midnight so decided climate change was an event akin to global nuclear war. Then. they over the next few years moved it to 90 seconds before midnight.

In 2024, they have kept it at 90 seconds and justified this on the basis of the risk of AI. So what once was a useful measure of the risk of nuclear war has become a useless scaremongering device where they look for anything scary to include in the clock.

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