Another reluctant Chloe story

Stuff reports:

When Chlöe Swarbrick first won a seat in Parliament at 23 years old, she was the youngest MP to do so since 1975.

Yet, the Green Party co-leader admitted on Stuff’s new podcast, Kiwi Yarns, that she never intended to be a politician.

“I never intended to go into politics or parliament to fight for drug law reform,” she told Kiwi Yarns host Brodie Kane, an award-winning journalist and broadcaster.

Once again media repeat this claim with credulity. Its the sort of thing that makes sense for someone who has say pursued an alternative career for a decade or two, but is inane nonsense when referring to someone who at the age of 22 first stood for elective office.

Liam Hehir skewered this claim here.

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