The Classical Libs

Yesterday National announced that a group of party members and supporters had formed a Classical Liberal Policy Advisory Group, known as the Classical Libs. I’m the co-chair of it, along with Katherine Rich MP. Quite a few others are involved, including some who comment here from time to time (waves to Megan).

I am really looking forward to this endeavour. Policy is my main interest in politics, and we are going to be putting on some hopefully first class policy seminars on interesting topics.

The National Party is a broad based party, but it is not just a conservative party. I like the state to stay away form both my business and my personal life.

Pleased to see a supportive press release from Richard Prebble welcoming the group. I did have to laugh at how he claims it is due to ACT influence, because I have had my views since long before ACT was even a twinkle in Roger Douglas’ eye.

I did like Richard’s suggestion though that by having a seminar called “Thinking outside the square on road safety”, we were advocating one can choose what side of the road to drive on 🙂