Important People

The National Business Review, presumably because it is short of actual news, asked and answered the question “How many important people are known to be close friends with David P Farrar?”

In a lampooning worthy of Dog Biting Men they went on to state

As National’s most important mover and shaker of his generation, it goes without saying that Mr Farrar is “extremely” or “amazingly” close to virtually every important person known to have been active in the party over the past 40 years. According to various dispatches on his weblog, he also enjoys the confidence of leaders in Act, numerous Labour stalwarts, some key players within the US Republican party and an indeterminate number of “Jewish intellectuals.”

As a key player in InternetNZ, it has even been said by others that he has the power – if he chose to use it – to “slow down” the internet for a period. In any event, after he finishes campaigning for Mark Blumsky in Wellington Central, David P Farrar may be off to the Vatican to help choose the next pope, the last three of whom were probably “extremely good mates” with New Zealand’s most sought-after power broker

Incidentially I have of course offered my services to my “good mate” Cardinal Ratzinger, or Joe as I call him, in his campaign to be Pope.