Nose … Face … Spite

The Press editorial says that the Government would be cutting off the nose to spite the face, if it insists on having Tim Grosser resign his WTO role. They ask whether our trade interests are best served by Groser retaining his chairmanship of such an important WTO committee and that the only answer to that question is a resounding “yes”.

It is useful to contrast the different approach taken by Labour and National to actign in the best interests of our trade policy. We have seen with Labour a fit of petulance and sulking which has been staggering. To have a Minister label a civil servant as a traitor is awful.

Now not that long ago a Labour MP, and former Leader, sought to be Director-General of the WTO. Despite having led two election campaigns against National, despite having said many awful things about National over the years, and despite the fact that having him as a disgruntled Labour backbencher was politically useful, the National Government endorsed him to be Director-General of the WTO. And they funded much of his campaign, provided staff support etc and eventually got him elected.

Why? Because it was in NZ’s best interests. A lesson Labour could swallow some pride on, and follow.

Alas it looks unlikely.

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