A green activist on the Green leadership

Phil U blogs about the Green Leadership contest, from an insider perspective.

He is obviously no fan of Russel Norman, and states that Norman was one of the Green activists who did not want them to leave the Alliance.

The battle between Tanczos and Norman (most commentators don;t regard the other candidates as having a significant chance) is often portrayed as a battle between two wings – the hard left wing and the environmental first wing.

Phil makes the point that if Sue Bradford replaces Jeanette in the next couple of years, then it will be a clean sweep for the hard left faction.

There is an inaccuracy in the post – about me having attended the post election debrief run by Vic. I was overseas when it was on, so didn’t make it. I did blog reports from others who attended which is what I think Phil is referring to.

I’ve never met or seen Norman to the best of my recollection. I’ve had some interaction with Nandor over the years and in the Comms/IT area I’ve found him pretty knowledgable and passionate about the issues. Of course we probably disagree in around 85% of other areas but there’s a reason I won’t be getting a vote 🙂

Hat Tip: Sir H