No 99

Rod Drury blogged a link to a Rankr site. This site uses Alexa data to show the 5,000 websites most visited by NZers in the last week. It’s great to get some NZ only data.

No 1 is Google, No 2 Trade Me, No 3 MSN etc. Great to see Wikipedia at No 12.

I just squeezed into the Top 100, at position 99. For a non commercial site with just one part-time author I’m pretty thrilled with that. I’m just below the main Telecom site at No 95.

Being a competitive type (ask my friends about board games with me – not pretty) I of course like to see who I ahead of. Some interesting ones:

112 Kiwibank
124 Ferrit (ha – they should advertise with me!)
136 IRD
138 VUW
150 Slashdot
157 Geekzone
158 WWE (take that McMahon)
183 Scoop
196 World of Warcraft
272 New Zealand Girls (my Estonians are hotter 🙂
286 TV3
322 (Govt paid $1 mil for the domain!)
488 Computer World
573 Public Address
633 Radio NZ
828 NZ Govt (
882 NewstalkZB
1024 Dine Out
1129 Wellington CIty
1162 Greens
1361 ODT
1812 Working for Families (after the $15 million ad campaign)
2063 The Listener
2245 Te Ara (cf to Wikipedia)
3103 Just Left
3149 SIr Humphrey’s
3185 No Right Turn
3753 Investigate Magazine
4876 Whale Oil

They only cover the top 5,000 (out of 100 million+ sites so anywhere in top 5,000 is good). I couldn’t find any other blogs in the top 5,000 but may have missed some.

This tells me I really need to get serious about coming up with a proper advertising strategy for this blog, targetted at NZ advertisers.