Subscribing to this blog

I have finally fixed the subscription mechanisms for this blog. They got broken when I upgraded Movable Type and the location of the RSS feed changed. If you want to get regular updates to the blog, there are two easy ways to do this.

The first to subscribe to the RSS feed (atom.xml seems best) through an rss reader. I recommend bloglines as a really easy one to use. One can do this with almost one click by clicking on the white and blue “subscribe with Bloglines” button on the right under Stats. Everytime you check bloglines it will show you any new posts I have made since you last checked.

Another mechanism is through Feedblitz, where every 24 hours you will get e-mailed a summary of every post over the last day. One subscribes to this by simply entering your e-mail address in the box on the right just above the Stats section. If you had previously subscribed to this service, you will need to resubscribe. Sorry but no way I can transfer people over.