CYFS Watch reposts a deleted post

Antarctic Lemur reports that Google has deleted one post from the CYFS Watch Blog, as a breach of the terms and conditions of their service, yet the blog owner has reposted the item.

The post deleted had the following statement:

If you read this [name deleted by DPF]….Note my name and NEVER ever forget what you did to Leighton and Royce…I’m watching and waiting and never far behind you.

I actually support Google on this one. That is too close to a threat for my liking. In fact Google have been relatively restrained by only deleting the one post, not closing the entire blog down. Ironically the blog owner by reposting the deleted item has probably opened up the grounds for the entire blog to be deleted.

If so, the only person to blame is the blog owner, not Google or CYFS or the Government. If you deliberately ignore a decision taken by the site owner, then you can’t be surprised if they take action.

It’s such a pity. I think there does need to be a commission of inquiry into the CYFS culture. There are just far too many stories about bullying, threats and intimidation when there is no need for it. But for all the good CYFS Watch has done in bringing these stories up, it harms its own case by not exercising common sense or judgement over what is appropriate to publish.

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