More food for more schools

Well despite the best efforts of the Government in denial, you can’t keep a good idea down. The Herald reports:

1) Tasti Foods is donating 100,000 (especially produced to meet mutritional needs) snack bars to KidsCan allowing them to increase their programme from 3,000 kids to 8,000.

2) Red Cross and Countdown joining forces to provide meals at all 200 decile one primary schools. Except I presume Wigley Primary who have declared they have no problems.

The Red Cross initiative precedes John Key’s speech, but highlights I think the common sense fo his approach- correctly identifying there is a problem there, but also it is not one just for the state.

The Greens, showing their red roots, have called for the state (taxpayer) to fund breakfasts for every primary pupil in NZ. I think that would be horrendous. Let there be no mistake that the primary responsibility for feeding your kids is with the parents. Some parents are not doing this (and it is not just a case of money) but the vast majority are, so let us not expand the role of the state to providing food for all. I wonder of there is a single thing in society which the Greens don’t think the State should fund and provide?

Anyway I look forward to Phil Goff attacking the Red Cross for daring to suggest there are hungry kids. Goff has stated for a fact there are no malnourished kids in his electorate.

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